American Slang-Lesson

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American Slang - Lesson 8a, 8b

American Slang - "Cool Car" - Lesson 8, Part 1 [Sorry for the double posting. It was necessary to upload this lesson again.] PART 1: "Cool Car". This is Part 1 of a two-part lesson in my series called American Slang. Viewers will test their ability to comprehend new vocabulary in the context of a fast, informal conversation. Topic: "Cool Car" Talking about technology. Level: Advanced NOTE: I'm very sorry to announce as of January 2012 links to EnglishCafe will no longer be active due to the site closing. I was very lucky to be a part of that online community while it lasted. I'm also sorry for the loss of additional materials for learners. --------------- American Slang - "Cool Car" - Lesson 8, Part 2 [Sorry for the double posting. It was necessary to upload this lesson again.] PART 2: "Cool Car". This is Part 2 of a two-part lesson in my series called American Slang. Viewers will test their ability to comprehend fast speech as well as informal ways of saying YES and NO. Topic: "Cool Car" Talking about technology.

Цикл "Английский Сленг" - view on teaching slang and share the first of several mini lessons. Интерактивные уроки. В доступной форме последовательно даются все необходимые базовые знания, достаточные для начала практического пользования языком и дальнейшего развития речи.

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Slang. Английский Сленг
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Slang. Английский Сленг. Интерактивные уроки

American Slang & Idioms

This is a phrase which means to take responsibility for something. This expression originated in the sport of baseball. In baseball, you step up to the home plate to hit the ball.
The phrase also means to take on a challenging task. For example, you can say, "With oil prices soaring, the government should step up to the plate to promote alternative energy."

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Введение в английский язык.

Цикл "Английский slang" предназначен для подготовки к началу занятий на интенсивных разговорных курсах.